Health-related quality of life in healthy children and adolescents of HIV-infected parents in Alexandria, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University

2 Hospital of Hepatology, Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases, Alexandria, Egypt


Background: Egypt as part of the Eastern Mediterranean region is facing a growing HIV epidemic. Developments in the National HIV Program are associated with an increase in survival of HIV-positive persons. This study aimed to assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of healthy children/adolescents of HIV-positive parents compared with healthy children/adolescents of healthy HIV-negative parents.
Participants and Methods: A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted. Healthy children aged 3–17 years old of all HIV-positive parents registered in the national HIV treatment center in Alexandria Fever Hospital during the year 2016 were enrolled (n=33) and compared with a comparable group of children of healthy parents (n=33). The HRQOL of studied groups was assessed by interviewing parents using Kinder Lebensqualität Fragebogen questionnaire revised parents’ version.
Results: Among the HIV-positive persons, 54.5% of their children had poor to fair HRQOL compared with only 9.1% of children of healthy parent group. They had significantly lower HRQOL scores in ; the physical, mental, family, and friends domains (P<0.05). Adolescents of HIV-positive parents had significantly lower HRQOL score compared with children (P=0.028). Parents’ education was the only independent predictor of daughter/son’s HRQOL (b=13.073, P=0.014).
Conclusion: HIV-positive status of parents negatively affects the HRQOL of their children. Development of organized social and mental support services to families with HIV-affected member/s within the Egyptian National HIV program is highly recommended with specific focus on adolescents and children, especially those having lower educated parents.
